Anita Izoco and Jeannette Fernandez founded the
Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba, Minden-Gardnerville, Nevada in 1981, with
ninety members. Because the hour drive north to Reno was too far
for many to travel for social functions with other Basques, the
original goals of this Basque association were to provide social
gatherings such as a summer picnic and an autumn Sheepherders' Dance
along with monthly meetings. Basque community leaders also wanted
to teach their children the folk dances and traditional songs. Today
the Basque families of these two small towns next to each other
meet every month at a different Basque restaurant to enjoy Euskera,
Basque food and cuisine, and each other's company. The 2002 membership
is 450 adult paying members. The scenic Carson Valley at 4750 feet
elevation faces the Sierra Nevada Mountains which rise to 11,000
feet on the California-Nevada border, and for many Basques reminds
them of their homelands in Euskal Herria.
The Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba fosters Basque heritage by advancing
the teaching of Basque history, culture, and customs. Because of
the interest and intense work of Jesus and Frances Pedroarena, they
also sponsor the North American Basque Organizations (NABO) "Kantari
Eguna", or Day of the Singer. Every August the Basque club
celebrates its annual picnic festival in conjunction with a day
to celebrate bertsolarismo, with Basque singers coming from around
the western United States and the Basque provinces. The first Kantari
Eguna and Bertsolari Festival was held in April, 1988, as a competition
with categories of "Traditional songs", "Contemporary
songs", a special classification for "Children",
and one for "Bertsolaris", who sing and create
lyrics extemporaneously. There were a total of thirty-four singers
and competitors that year. Though the numbers of participating individuals
change and the competition has been changed to a festival, choirs
from San Francisco and Boise have also traveled to entertain the
audience of several hundred Basques and friends.
Gardnerville´s Euskal Etxea . Bertsolari
and Basque Song Festival. Photo: Joseba Etxarri |
During the 1980s, University of Nevada, Reno Basque Studies Program
assistant professor Gorka Aulestia regularly served as an educator
for the Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba's monthly meetings. He lectured
on the history of the coat-of-arms of the Basque provinces, Basque
music composers, and musical instruments. He taught members the
Basque traditional folk songs as well as Christmas carols. Club
members initiated an annual Christmas caroling and gift exchange
that continues to this day with entire families riding through the
towns of Minden and Gardnerville, stopping to sing Basque Christmas
songs for their impromptu audiences. The Overland Hotel and Basque
Restaurant in Garnerville then provide hot chocolate and pastries
for all of the singers. Additionally, the other two established
Basque restaurants of the Carson Valley area also support the Mendiko
Euskaldun Cluba; they are the Carson Valley Country Club, and the
J.T. Bar and Restaurant. In December, 1996, the Carson Valley Chamber
of Commerce hosted the first Parade of Lights which made its way
through the streets with decorated parade floats and candle lights
and the Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba won First Prize in the civic organizations
category for their Basque entry. The next year they won Second Prize.
The group of Basques continues to participate in this winter festival
each year.
The Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba Dancers were established in 1983 and
between the 1980s and the mid 1990s there were over thirty dancers
between the ages of 3-17 participating with weekly practices. Instructed
by Jeanette Fernandez, Jackie Basagoitia, Anita Izoco and Frances
Pedroarena, they danced for community general public events, attended
the NABO annual music camp "Udaleku", and performed for
many Basque festivals and celebrations. The Ipar-Ameriketako
Euskal Dantzarian Biltzarra, North American Basque Association
of Dancers, and the Federation of Basque Dance Groups was hosted
and organized in Garnerville in August 1989 with Basque dance leaders
meeting to discuss the goals of the organization. The individual
interested dance groups in the United States function more through
NABO than their own association and there were no official meetings
after this initial organizational initiative. In 1993, the Mendiko
group itself disbanded due to a lack of interest and lack of dancers,
though they did organize sporadically for special events. Jeanette
Blanco initiated the dancing again in 1997 with a small group of
interested youth, but by the end of the year they too had disbanded
and abandoned the weekly practices. Basque dancing has to compete
with after school activities, church functions, sports for youth,
and community classes and events etc. Many parents report that they
simply do not have the time to serve as a "full-time taxi"
for their children's activities, and the end of Basque dancing seems
to have been one of the casualties.
Johnny Curutchet, a bertsolari born in San Francisco
singing at Gardnerville Euskal Kantari Eguna. Photo: Joseba
Etxarri |
The mus competitions and championships are very popular
in the Carson Valley of Nevada and California, and every week players
drive from as far away as two hours to arrive in Gardnerville ready
to challenge each other's skills. The club joined the NABO in 1987
in order to compete in the NABO mus championships, and also
to enable their members' children to attend and contribute to the
annual music camp.
Members of this Basque club are active in their community affairs
and in 1996, with the assistance of a grant from the Eusko Jaurlaritza,
they donated an authentic sheepcamp exhibit to the Carson Valley
Museum and Cultural Center in Gardnerville. Basque family histories
were recorded and photographs donated as a part of an interactive
exposition. Families donated items and instruments pertaining to
their days spent herding sheep, and Anita Izoco and Frances Pedroarena
presented oral lectures regarding Basque topics to the Historical
Society members at their monthly meetings. They also spoke to the
Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce Rural Round-Up, at the Douglas
County Leadership Council Tourism Heritage Day, and for the Soroptimist
International organization. Educating the public about Basques in
the Basque Country and about Basques in the United States has always
been a meaningful factor for the Minden-Gardnerville Basques.
The Overland Hotel and Basque Restaurant in Garnerville
then provide hot chocolate and pastries for all of the singers. |
Beginning in the autumn of 1998, the Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba embarked
on an historically significant project that would consume four years
of intense work and dedication and result in a beautiful publication
dedicated to the Basque emigrants who constructed the society they
enjoy today. Frances Pedroarena, Anita Izoco, Jeanette Blanco, Annie
Guecamburu, and Nancy Hamlett researched, wrote and published, From
the Basque Country to the Sheep Camps of the Carson Valley: The
Personal Stories of Basque Immigrants, in 2001. These women
interviewed local Basques who had immigrated to the area, and recorded
their experiences and scanned photographs to include in this self-published
book. It includes the biographies of such people as Francisco Yparraguirre,
one of the first Basques to begin as a sheepherder in 1877 and progress
to an important landowner. Yparraguirre was honored by President
Lyndon B. Johnson in 1977. José Sario, who began with no
financial resources and no English skills, eventually operated a
sheep company with 50,000 head of sheep. Families who left the sheep
business and crated successful hotels and restaurants such as the
Borda, Lekumberry, Etchmendy, and Micheo families are also highlighted.
Of course not all experiences were positive and the authors include
information regarding the deaths in sheepherding such as the freezing
death of Juan Azparren while tending to his flock, and of Beltran
Indiano, who was killed at the High Rock Canyon Massacre in 1911.
An Eusko Jaurlaritza grant also helped fund production expenses
but as usual, members donated all of their time and expertise to
establish another successful volunteer project. One can order a
copy by writing Jesus Pedroarena at:
Jesus Pedroarena, 2002 President, is another of the Mendiko Cluba's
tireless volunteers. He also serves as the NABO Video Chairman for
copying and selling videos tapes, as well as converting video from
the United States NTSC system to the European PAL system, and vice
versa. Basques from all NABO organizations send him United States
recorded tapes to convert to the European system, which they can
send on to their relatives. He has converted hundreds of wedding,
First Communion, Christmas gathering, and Basque festival tapes
that relatives and friends send to each other across the Atlantic.
Club leaders have worked effectively with the Basque Government
of the Basque Autonomous Community to secure grants for special
projects and also for operating expenses. They have been awarded
monies in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. In 1997, the Director
of Relations with the Basque Collectivities for the Basque Government,
Mr. Iñaki Aguirre, visited Gardnerville to meet with club
members. The success of the many initiatives of this Basque community
depends on the volunteer work of its leaders and the mixed membership
of Basques from Nevada, California, Arizona, Oregon, and Idaho.
The financial assistance from the Basque Government has fortified
and strengthened undertakings that help preserve Basque identity
in this region of the United States.
Dr. Gloria Totoricagüena
Egurrola, Center for Basque Studies. University of Nevada, Reno
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