Egilea: Eider Muniategi Azkona (Coord.), Lina Klemkaite (Coord.)
Argitaletxea: Universidad de Deusto
Orrialde kopurua: 116
ISBN: 978-84-9830-343-8
Ezaugarriak: This book consists of a number of articles presented at the I DUSKE INTERNATIONAL FORUM “LOCAL INITIATIVES TO THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS” that took place at the University of Deusto on the 24th-26th of February 2010. The forum aimed to be a meeting point and a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, experiences and initiatives among participants both from Sylff and non-Sylff scientific and professional communities in the light of the 2007-2008 international financial crisis, focusing on feasible, reasonable and creative alternatives to the current socio-economic world view. Moreover, through the forum we exposed and explored some concrete examples of how ordinary people are dealing with and responding to the financial and social challenges posed by the last crisis of capitalism in their everyday lives.
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