The Atlas of Languages
Egileak: B. Comrie, S. Matthews, M. Polinsky
Argitaletxea: Hardcover
Orrialde kopurua: 224
ISBN: 0-8160-3388-9
Ezaugarriak: The Atlas of Languages offers an introduction
to the world of languages and linguistics for the general reader. This global
survey of language families, their distribution, spread, and - in some cases
- decline is illustrated by a rich variety of maps, photographs, and tables.
In a detailed account of the language families of each region of the world,
interesting and sometimes unique features of grammar and vocabulary are identified
and explained. The archeological, historical, cultural, or social political
background where it has had an impact on the dissemination, development, or
decline of a language is examined. The geographical distribution of languages
- both historical and contemporary - is reflected in over 30 unique full-color
maps. Points of general interest, linguistic, cultural, and historical are
highlighted in special boxed features.
The writing systems of the world are also examined in detail. The evolution
of over 2000 languages is explained and illustrated with specific examples,
while photographs of ancient artifacts, manuscripts, monuments, and statues
all illustrate the use of various writing systems over the last 5,000 years.
Finally, the Book addresses the issue of disappearing languages, as well as
identifying languages that are under threat of extinction. Efforts to preserve
and revive the dying languages of the world are fully discussed.
UNESCO Linguapax. Hizkuntz politikei buruzko nazioarteko
Egileak: Aintzane Leniz (Koor.), UNESCO Etxea
Argitaletxea: UNESCO Etxea , 1997
Orrialde kopurua: 411
ISBN: 84-605-6140-2
Ezaugarriak: Hizkuntz politikei buruzko nazioarteko
mintegia (1996, Leioa). Dohako Argitalpena
Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe
Egileak: Glanville Price
Argitaletxea: Blackwell Publishers
Orrialde kopurua: XVII + 499
ISBN: 0-631-22039-9
Ezaugarriak: With an immense range, this book attempts
to classify, map and describe all of the languages of Europe, both contemporary
and historical. Including entries written by around sixty scholars of international
repute, the collection provides both depth and breadth in terms of coverage
and range of materials employed. It would be almost impossible to give an
impression of the all the many fine features which it contains.
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