Arbaso Elkarteak Eusko Ikaskuntzari 2005eko Artetsu sarietako bat eman dio Euskonewseko Artisautza atalarengatik
On line komunikabide onenari Buber Saria 2003. Euskonews y Media
Astekari elektronikoari Merezimenduzko Saria
Egilea: Argitxu Camus Etchecopar
Argitaratzailea: Eusko Jaurlaritza
Orrialde kopurua: 329
ISBN: 978-84-457-2593-1
Ezaugarriak: The North American Basque Organizations,
Inc., commonly known as NABO, regroups thirty eight Basque clubs which together
work toward the promotion of Basque heritage in the United States. Until the
creation of NABO, there was no formal communication and cooperation between
the Basque clubs. With the objective of unifying Basques in the United States,
representatives from several clubs met in Sparks, Nevada in March 1973 and
formed a federation which created a network within the Basque community. NABO
functions similarly to a confederation because it may not infringe on the
autonomy of any individual Basque institutions. It is a service organization
While the diaspora is becoming conscious of itself, the Basque Country also
increasingly is learning about the existence of its diaspora. Until the 1980s,
the relations between the Basque Country and the United States were more private,
usually family ties, whereas now these relations have become more public.
The Basque Country in its entirety is becoming increasingly aware of its diaspora.
The phenomenon started earlier in the Southern part of the Basque Country
with a real will of the Basque Autonomous Government –quickly after
its formation– of increasing contacts with Basques outside of the Basque
Country. But these past years, in Iparralde, it is amazing how, more a more,
the media talk about the Basques outside of the Basque Country. For instance,
in 2005, the city council of Azkarate (Baxe Nafarroa) acquired the castle
of the village with the idea to make it an International Center of the Basque
Diaspora. The Basque Autonomous Government collaborates with and subsidizes
diaspora communities spread around the world –including the United States–
therefore contributing greatly to the improvement of communication between
the different clubs and helping NABO in the realization of many of its programs